We've studied basic vowels and consonants. Next let's learn how to make syllables, combining consonants and vowels. A complete sylable is composed of 3 parts as the following, (1) The letter in the initial position of a syllable is a consonant. (2) The letter in the middle position is a vowel. (3) The letter in the final position is a final consonant called 'bachim(받 칭)' All syllables don't have a complete form. It can be possible to make a syllable without the first or final consonant, but there always must be a vowel in the middle of the syllable. Is it too difficult for you to understand? I'll explain to you in detail once again. First, a complete syllable is formed by a combination of [consonant+vowel+consonant], as you saw just before. Second, it's formed by [consonant+vowel without a final consonant. Third, it's formed by [vowel+consonant] composed only of a vowel in the middle position.However, in such cas mute letter ' -' is written in the initial position.